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     In this section of my e-portfolio i am presenting my Letter to a 4th Grader because I see this as one of my greatest projects this year even though I did it at the last second. This project is about telling a class of 4th graders how the seasons happen and why their theory was incorrect. For saftey resons, I have removed my signiture. Enjoy.



Dear 4th graders,


I am sorry to inform you that you were incorrect in your belief that the seasons are directly related to the distance of the earth from the sun. The real reason of the seasons is the tilt of the earth.


The Earth does get closer and further from the sun, but only by just barely --  the distance changes by approximately 3%. The Earth is in the perfect position in the Solar System named “The Goldilocks Zone”, which is the only place in the Solar System that can sustain life as we know it. An example of how this is true is that if the Earth was on the Suns side of “The Goldilocks Zone” then we would burn, like Mars. Another example is how if we were on Jupiters side of “The Goldilocks Zone” then we would freeze, like Neptune.


The reason for the seasons is because of the way that earth is tilted. The Earth is tilted at a 23.5° angle. The seasons happen depending on the angle the sun is hitting the Earth. Summer is when we get very concentrated sunlight. Spring is when we have kind of concentrated sunlight. Fall is when we have less concentrated sunlight. And winter is when the sunlight hits at a big angle.


So, you may believe that the seasons is because the Earth is closer or further from the sun. You may believe this because in Summer and Spring, it’s hotter so you would think the earth is closer to the sun. Also you may think that since in Winter and Autumn it’s colder, so the Earth is further from the sun. So with those two pieces of information, you would think that the Earth moving to and from the sun would cause the seasons.


So, in conclusion, the seasons are because of the Earths tilt, not because it is going closer or further from the sun. And you know because you now know that the Earth is tilted at a 23.5° angle. And that if we were too close or too far then we would burn or freeze. I hope you understand!


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