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For my Languae arts project of the year, I chose my "Writing Poems" project. For this project, I had to write a poem, and I decided to make a concrete poem. Below is a thorough explanation of the poem.

My poem is a concrete poem which I have made of five words: Support, Life, Exploration, Adventure, and Fear. In the poem, the word Support Is used as the roots of the tree, to show how nature can give anyone support, from fresh air to a visual masterpiece, nature can support you. The word Life is the tree’s trunk which represents Life needing support, support needing life, and showing how life needs everything and everything needs life. The branches of the the tree are made of Adventure and Exploration, representing how much of both of those there is in nature; from riding down a stream in a boat to climbing a tree, Nature is an adventure. Finally, Fear. Fear represents the leaves which conceal the branches from ever being shown, like fear can stop you from Adventuring, and when the leaves fall and give nutrients to the roots, it shows how the loss of fear strengthens support. This is why the words “Support, Life, Exploration, Adventure, and Fear” represent nature and life.

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